I admit that I’ve been a little quiet these past several weeks. And to be fair, there have been two different really great games that I’ve been going back and forth on as a bit of an addiction. The first being Skyrim, and the second being Stardew Valley.
Both of these games are fantastic for their own, separate reasons and if you have even the thinnest awareness of video games, you have heard of both of these titles and their respective impacts on their genres. I’m humbled by the fact that Stardew Valley was designed by a single person, and every once in a while, I toy with the idea of creating my own version of the game. Lord knows, I’ve got enough supplies and assets to make a really good sci-fi farming sim.
Still, I got pulled back into Skyrim because I obtained the three-volume set of books from the game world very recently. I really love the lore and holding the physical copies of the books was very cathartic. This led to firing up the game because I wanted to find the books in game, and then nearly a month passed.
I’m not complaining, mind you. The music, the scenery, the fact that I can port my saves between the VR version of the game and my regular version, it makes all the difference in the world. And yes, I really like the VR version, but there’s something about sitting in my recliner and using the joystick too.
Stardew Valley, well, that’s my go-to when I need a farming/dating simulator. Abagail is forever going to be my girlfriend, although I’m starting to grow fond of Penny and maybe on my next playthrough I will try to woo her instead.
Anyhow, I think the need to Fus Roh Dah has been sated for the time being, and I’m going to be heading back into the projects. I still have a little bit of work to do on Pirate Island, and there is a steampunk racing game idea that I’ve been playing around with.
Have a great rest of the week, everybody! I’ll be reaching out soon.