Three Solid Days

So I scheduled a little time off of my full-time job to dedicate myself to the task of hammering out the remaining code/processes…

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Working Menu Systems

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I’ve been focusing on small milestones to help me feel a sense of moving forward with…

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Project Status Update

I overcame what appears to be the largest hurdle in getting the new Steam API to cooperate with my golf environment, and although…

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The Current Roadmap

So when I first started really working with VR I wound up utilizing an older version of the SteamVR API and had to…

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Undersea Opportunities

So I’m doing further investigation into the idea of making the game multi-player, which I realize extends my release time and the like….

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Better trees, bug fixes

I decided to bite the bullet and purchase a subscription to SpeedTree, and have been working with some of their free models (as…

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An Ocean of Improvement

I’ve been in a real funk for a couple weeks with regards to my golf game. I was becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the…

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Artwork: The Chaperone

Sometimes when I get stuck in a book, I’ll render a picture of a scene I’ve got in my head to try to…

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The MultiPlayer Problem

When designing a game, if there’s intent to make it a multi player game, it really needs to be decided before a single…

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Saving the Environment

So this past week has been a bit of a ride, but here’s my update for Pirate Island Mini Golf. The sound system,…

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